Discover the transformative power of Characterista's blog. Find inspiration, guidance, and become the main character in your own story.
The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding
Find strength in resilience. When life gets tough and you're faced with change, remember to keep moving forward. Remember, every step counts!
All voices eventually fall silence. Somewhere in that process you have to make a decision. Shall I stay or shall i go? I chose to go because you made it too easy to not stay.
You came into their life to show them the meaning of true love and they came into yours to show you the meaning of self love. Things that break your heart are the same things that open your eyes.
Ever wondered how to inspire your mind to be just a little bit more positive sometimes? Do you often feel like your thoughts most likely wander to the negatives instead of thinking about all the positives?
I don't think you will feel a 100 % ready. That day will never come. But there will be a moment when your courage outweights your fear. That's when you begin.
The only person that cares about your hopes and dreams is you. The only person that is going to make them happen is you. Be a good person, but don’t waste your time proving it.
Here’s to everyone ever wondered how to be able to keep up the speed on your journey to reach your innermost goals. Make sure to fuel your life with the right ingredients